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October 1st – International Day of Older Persons / Filo visits the Center for the Elderly

Sotiraq Filo, the mayor of Korçë: “On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, we visited one of the Senior Centers opened by the municipality in Korçë today.

We spent some time in their company, engaging in conversations and assuring them that the municipality’s support for this age group will continue not only through the Pensioners’ Card and Community Centers but also with other programs and projects aimed at enhancing services and improving their quality of life.

Often, it is the elderly who teach us to respect values, reminding us of our roots and the path of dignity, dedication, and generosity.”



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Deputies of the PD set fire to chairs in front of the Assembly

Deputies of the Democratic Party took an extreme action by burning chairs outside the Assembly of Albania, a protest that marked heightened political tensions. The flames briefly got out of control, posing a risk to the entrance of the parliament. Security guards quickly intervened to extinguish the fire, preventing a more dangerous situation. Following this incident, the deputies returned to the plenary session and blocked the podium, expressing their dissatisfaction with the government’s decisions.

This event highlights the turbulent political climate in Albania, where tensions between the opposition and the majority are on the rise. The deputies’ protest reflects their concerns and signals the deep disagreements that continue within the Albanian political system.


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Ervin Salianji Leaves Parliament, Andrea Mano Will Take His Seat!

Andrea Mano, the former chairman of the Democratic Party in Korçë, has secured a seat in the 140-member Parliament of Albania amid recent developments within the party. This comes after news that current deputy Ervin Salianji is facing potential imprisonment due to the charges against him. According to party procedures and the electoral system, Mano, who was second on the electoral list, will take over Salianji’s mandate upon his resignation.

Mano is recognized as a significant political figure in Korçë, known for his strong commitment to community development and support for right-wing policies. He has been active in local politics and is well-regarded for his dedication to addressing citizens’ issues. His election to Parliament brings renewed hope for increased support for developmental projects in Korçë and for strengthening the opposition.

Next week, the Assembly is expected to revoke Ervin Salianji’s mandate, paving the way for his legal proceedings. This development marks a new era for the Democratic Party and for the city of Korçë, where Andrea Mano is anticipated to play a crucial role in representing the interests of residents and promoting democratic values.



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Ervin Salianji Sentenced to Prison, PD Calls Urgent Meeting of Parliamentary Group

Following the decision of the Appeals Court, which upheld the one-year prison sentence for Ervin Salianji, the Democratic Party announced an urgent meeting at its headquarters. Salianji expressed serious concerns about the transparency and fairness of the judicial process, labeling the court’s decision as premeditated and falsified. He emphasized that the hearing had a predetermined outcome and that the judges acted as representatives of the Socialist Party.

In his statement, Salianji made a strong accusation, claiming that one of the judges was “superordinary” and had a dubious role in the case. He added that the ruling was an attempt to attack the opposition and undermine the image of the Democratic Party, especially ahead of the elections. Salianji viewed this process as an organized attack against him and the party he represents.

Determined to continue his legal battle, he confirmed that he would appeal the decision and pursue all possible legal avenues. Salianji accused Fatmir Xhafaj of being an instrument used by Prime Minister Rama to manipulate the judicial system. He stated that he was willing to cooperate with the authorities and would gladly continue his fight for justice.

According to him, this process is a clear sign of the government’s attempts to control the system and influence the outcome of the upcoming elections. Salianji promised to commit himself to ensuring that these issues are addressed fairly and transparently in the future. He hopes there will be opportunities to rectify the injustices he believes are occurring.



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Prefect Nertil Jole in Sovjan: Meetings with Farmers!

Prefect Nertil Jole:

“During my visit to Sovjan, where I observed the work being done on cleaning the collector by the Regional Directorate of Water and Drainage, I met several farmers and young people from the village.

Rami Dautllari and Shefki Dautllari are two experienced farmers who are deeply engaged in agriculture with their families, producing onions, potatoes, and corn on their family farms. The Korça region is home to many hardworking individuals who, despite the specific challenges they face throughout the production year, continue their efforts to ensure that the products with the excellent reputation of Maliqi are of the highest quality.”



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Prefect Nertil Jole promotes the cleaning of the Sovjan collector!

Korça’s Prefect, Nertil Jole, recently shared photos of the cleaning work on the Sovjan collector, writing the following:

“A significant effort by the Korça Directorate of Irrigation and Drainage to clean the Sovjan collector, the main drainage project for the Maliqi area, with a length of 9.3 km and a volume of 53,000 m³ of alluvium.

This intervention will conclude after 25 days and addresses a highly sensitive issue for the residents and farmers of the area. Respect for the challenging work of Petrika and Eriskeli, who are working as excavators alongside their colleagues.”



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The death of Gert Bogdani unites socialists and democrats

The Albanian Parliament has opened its doors for tributes in honor of former deputy Gert Bogdani, who passed away unexpectedly a day earlier following a cardiac arrest.

Amidst tears and sorrow, the democratic deputies attended the memorial service on Thursday to pay their respects to their colleague.

Flamur Noka, Gazment Bardhi, Agron Gjekmarkaj, Jorida Tabaku, Ina Zhupa, Luçiano Boçi, and many other democratic deputies arrived with floral wreaths at the Parliament hall, where the tributes are being held, and wrote their final words in the memory book for their colleague.

Many attendees from the ranks of socialists were also present to honor the late politician.

The Minister of Education, Ogerta Manastirliu, was seen comforting opposition deputies over the passing of their colleague. Earlier, the Speaker of Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, the Minister of State for Relations with Parliament, Taulant Balla, and deputy Damian Gjiknuri, who could not hold back his tears while bidding farewell, also arrived.

Additionally, the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, was present at the farewell tributes and placed a floral wreath on the coffin of the late democratic deputy.

Edited by: “KORÇA BOOM

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Debate at the Conference of Presidents on Xhaçka’s Mandate

Although the socialists view the resolution of Olta Xhaçka’s mandate saga through the Venice Commission, the opposition once again brought it up for debate at the Conference of Presidents.

During this conference, opposition representatives directed accusations at the Speaker of Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, alleging that she had undermined the Constitutional Court.

“We have referred to the constitution and justice regarding Olta Xhaçka’s mandate,” stated Gazment Bardhi, the chairman of the PD parliamentary group. “You have denied us this right and have disregarded the decisions of the Constitutional Court.”

According to Gazment Bardhi, the Venice Commission is an advisory body and does not have binding effects.

His socialist counterpart, Niko Peleshi, told the Conference of Presidents, “Of course, we have implemented the decision of the Constitutional Court by bringing the mandate to the session.”

Further, Niko Peleshi is quoted as saying: “We believe that an opinion from the Venice Commission would be beneficial for all of us, especially in a situation of conflict between two rights: the discretion of deputies to express their free will in the session and the obligation to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court.”

The debate also involved Ina Zhupa, the chair of the parliamentary media committee.

“You are dragging the issue of Xhaçka’s mandate along. There cannot be an opinion on the decision of the Constitutional Court. Opinions are given before or during the review, not after the Court has expressed its stance. You have undone the Constitutional Court,” she is quoted as declaring.

Peleshi responded: “Of course, we have implemented the decision of the Constitutional Court by bringing the mandate to the session. We have fulfilled all obligations; it is not just about the mandate of one deputy, but it is necessary to clarify all potential future cases. We believe that an opinion from the Venice Commission will benefit us all, especially in a situation of conflict between two rights: the discretion of deputies to express their free will in the session and the obligation to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court. This clarity will benefit us and will also be useful to you.”

Bardhi: “Madam Speaker, you personally decided to ignore the decisions of the Constitutional Court. You are the second speaker who has chosen to undermine the Constitutional Court, thereby also damaging the coexistence with the opposition. We have referred to the constitution and justice regarding Olta Xhaçka’s mandate. You have denied us this right and have disregarded the decisions of the Constitutional Court. The Venice Commission is an advisory body, and you know very well that it does not have binding effects. Your behavior undermines all your propaganda that you are supposedly constructive and open. This is propaganda because your actions are preventing us from fulfilling our duties. It has never happened that the parliament does not implement a decision of the Constitutional Court. The Court requested that you approve it quickly as there is no time available. Your practice of supposedly consulting the Venice Commission aims to save the mandate through procedure. This is not about the individual; for us, one Xhaçka goes and another comes. It is about constitutional principles.”

Tabaku: “Dear colleagues, Ms. Xhaçka is one of our colleagues. We are discussing the principle, not Ms. Xhaçka’s name. In 2010, every progress report stated that the PD government did not respect a decision of the Constitutional Court, and now we are talking about 9 other decisions that the government has not implemented, setting a dangerous precedent. We are not discussing whether there was a conflict of interest or not; we think there was, you don’t, but we leave it to the court to decide. However, if we use our vote to protect ourselves, we are sending a wrong message outside this hall.

We have sent the justice reform to Venice, a member of the Constitutional Court has gone there, and cases have been judged in Venice. We need to abandon political protection. If I were in your position, I would not want any political shield; let the Constitutional Court decide.

Why didn’t you send it to the Venice Commission earlier? Why is this happening for the first time now and not earlier? The standard set by the Constitutional Court should not be undermined.

We do not take pleasure in discussing this issue, nor in speaking against one side or the other, but we are discussing this matter on principle. We need to speak on principle and implement, on principle, the decisions of the Constitutional Court.”

Ina Zhupa: “You are dragging the issue of Xhaçka’s mandate along a path of delay. There cannot be an opinion on the decision of the Constitutional Court. Opinions are given before or during the review; you cannot seek an opinion after the Court has already spoken. You have undone the Constitutional Court.



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Informative visit to the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center in Korçë

As part of the completion of the project “Green Itineraries for Albanian Livestock” (IVEA), supported by the French government, we conducted an informative visit to the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center (QTTB) in Korçë, together with Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mr. Arian Jaupllari and French Ambassador Mrs. Catherine Suard.

QTTB is a research and scientific institution in the field of agriculture and livestock, which focuses on the identification, testing, adaptation, and introduction of new methods and materials into agricultural and livestock practices.

For nearly three years, this center, in collaboration with the Livestock Institute in Paris, has implemented a project that has brought the following benefits to farmers in our region:

  • The creation of a new breed nucleus aimed at meat production;

Installation of photovoltaic panels for electricity production and pasture improvement;

Installation of a cooling tank for milk storage with solar panels;

Installation of a biogas plant for processing animal manure;

Installation of a filter for treating wastewater from the milk room;

Installation of an “electric fence” for livestock management, increasing production in animal husbandry while respecting the environment for optimal pasture use and adapting to climatic changes.

  • Provision of an innovative device with video assistance for artificial insemination;
  • Offering training for specialists and farmers in our region on the use of new animal husbandry technologies, and more.

All these investments serve as knowledge and models for applying new technologies in animal husbandry, assisting farmers who wish to raise livestock breeds for milk and meat production.

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Rama announces the names: Who are the political leaders of the Socialist Party in the country’s districts / Niko Peleshi appointed political leader of Korçë

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Names of the leaders:

Political leaders of Tirana – Elisa Spiropali, Erion Veliaj, Ogerta Manastirliu

Political leader of Durrës – Emirjana Sako

Political leader of Shkodër – Benet Beci

Political leader of Lezhë – Ulsi Manja

Political leader of Kukës – Pandeli Majko

Political leader of Elbasan – Arbjan Mazniku

Political leader of Fier – Belinda Balluku

Political leader of Korçë – Niko Peleshi

Political leader of Gjirokastër – Mirela Kumbaro

Political leader of Berat – Ervin Demo

Political leader of Vlorë – Bledi Çuçi

Political leader for the Diaspora – Taulant Balla

Political leader of Dibër – Blendi Gonxhja

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“Rrumbullak’s departure from the Police leadership, Salianji: They were forced to!”

“Deputy of the Democratic Party, Ervin Salianji, commented today on the removal of the General Director of the State Police:

‘I am convinced that this is a ceremonial dismissal, a forced departure. There was a General Director two years ago who refused to resign, so this is the same scheme.

The last three directors have experienced the same thing. Ardi Veliu was forced to resign, and the ministry distributed his resignation letter; you saw that he didn’t even know how to write it. Similarly, with Gledis Nano, news circulated that he resigned, but he later stated that he had not resigned. Today, we have two General Directors being paid with Albanian taxpayers’ money,’ Salianji stated.”

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