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GOOD NEWS for teachers/ The union gives the announcement…

Following request no. 28 dated 19.09.2024 addressed to the Ministry of Education by FSASH and SPASH regarding the salary issue for teachers who graduated before the Bologna system came into effect, a meeting was held today, 23.09.2024, at the Ministry of Education and Sports at the request of the Minister. The meeting included Deputy Minister of Education Ms. Nina Guga, General Secretary Mr. Erzen Tola, and Director of Public Administration of the Republic of Albania Ms. Enkela Dudushi.

From the unions’ side, present were the President of SPASH Mr. Nevrus Kaptelli, Lawyer Ms. Matilda Zani, and FSASH Representative Mr. Xhafer Dobrushi. Representatives from the Ministry argued that the reduction made in the salary group based on the diploma has been reflected by a twofold increase in the position salary for this category, which every teacher can see by comparing their salary increase with that of other teachers who hold a master’s degree.

During the several-hour meeting, after insistence from the union representatives that all teachers who graduated before the Bologna system should be treated with an additional 14,000 Lekë in their salary group, it was agreed that after reviewing diplomas on a case-by-case basis, the corresponding payment of 14,000 Lekë would be made.


SPASH calls on all its leaders in regional education offices to look out for their members, to identify, and to initiate solutions for all those teachers who have not been paid in accordance with Decision No. 425 dated 26.06.2024.


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The second round of applications at “Fan S. Noli” University starts today!


Dear graduates,

Starting today and continuing until September 21, 2024, applications for Round II in the study programs at “Fan S. Noli” University will be open.


Attached, you will find the university application calendar for the second round.

To learn more about the study programs at “Fan S. Noli” University, click here:

For more information, please contact:



“Edited by: KORÇA BOOM”

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Manastirliu: “320 teachers for career counseling / Guiding students towards vocational education

The Minister of Education and Sports, Ogerta Manastirliu, at the “Sami Frashëri” high school, announced the start of the process for selecting teachers who meet the criteria for two new roles that will be implemented in schools across the country: Career Guidance Coordinator and Quality Assurance Coordinator in schools.

These new positions will be key pillars in supporting students with career guidance and improving the quality of teaching.

“The new roles we have introduced this year are two positions that will immediately be filled by selecting 640 school quality assessment coordinators and career coordinators throughout our education system. This year, 4,635 students have enrolled in vocational education, 10% more than the previous year. This is a crucial moment for the education system if it takes this strategic direction of continuous student guidance, not only for the education system but also for career development that begins in lower-level education,” said Minister of Education and Sports, Ogerta Manastirliu.


Minister Manastirliu also highlighted the role of the Career Coordinator Teacher, who will play a crucial role in assisting students in making informed choices about their academic and professional futures.



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Prime Minister Edi Rama: 12,000 students will be included this year in the School Sports Teams Program

The School Sports Teams Program has revitalized the national sports movement.

Prime Minister Edi Rama announced today that “this school year alone, approximately 12,000 students will be involved through various sports disciplines.”

“Every new school in Albania offers modern sports facilities and gyms. These investments have a direct impact on increasing the number of students who will participate in the Program,” said Rama.


This program has significantly reawakened the spirit of sports among young people. Every student who is part of the “School Sports Teams” program receives all the necessary material resources for free.

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Meeting at “Fan S. Noli” University on the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

A meeting was held in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities to discuss the implementation of artificial intelligence for students in the Information Technology programs.

This project has been awarded under the READ program.

The project will span the academic year 2024-2025 and will be implemented in the Department of Computer Science with students from the Information Technology program (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities). It will be led by resident scholar Dr. Blerina Çeliku in collaboration with diaspora colleague Prof. Dr. Genci Capi, an expert in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence from Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan.


The project focuses on enhancing opportunities for collaboration, student and staff mobility, and orienting towards scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence and its application in our region.

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Tomorrow marks the start of the new school year / Success to everyone, and may this be a year full of achievements and the desired development!

Dear students, with the beginning of this new school year, we wish you a journey filled with knowledge, personal development, and great achievements.

This is a new chapter in your lives, bringing new challenges but also endless opportunities to learn and grow. Have the courage and perseverance to overcome every difficulty and to enjoy the success that will come with effort and hard work.

A special thank you to the teachers, who with dedication and love are always by your side, guiding you every step of the way on this beautiful journey of knowledge.


We thank you for your patience, sacrifices, and your unwavering commitment!

Additionally, a warm thank you goes to the parents, who with love and continuous support are the strong foundation of their children’s success. Your dedication and care are the key to future achievements.

Success to everyone, and may this be a year filled with accomplishments and the desired development!

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Gymnasium “Raqi Qirinxhi” / Everything is ready for the start of the 2024-2025 school year!

Everything is ready for the start of the 2024-2025 school year.

Together, students, teachers, and parents, let us strive to preserve every value created throughout the century-long history of our school, and also, through our continuous work, behavior, and preparation, to add new values, keeping the name of our school among the top schools in the country.

May it be a successful beginning for everyone!


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“Pojan School ready for the new academic year: Congratulations!”

“Pojan School is fully equipped with new facilities, thanks to the funding and support from the Ministry of Education and Sports!

We begin this new academic year with all the necessary infrastructure for students and teachers to ensure a successful school year.



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Education: Mayor of Maliq, Mr. Gëzim Topçiu, guarantees a successful start to the school year

Mayor of Maliq, Mr. Gëzim Topçiu, ahead of the 2024-2025 school year, declared:

“Ready for the start of the new school year.

The staff of the Directorate of Services has been working diligently across all educational institutions.


Wishing a successful year to everyone!”

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The university of korça sacrifices itself

OPINION: By Hansi KapllaniThe University of Korçë sacrifices itself to join the University of Tirana!Meanwhile, on the one hand, this news is given, and on the other hand, after all these years, the real controllers of UniKo’s funds come to the surface.Absurdity catches the edges!One party announces the academic capitulation, which was most likely imposed by the central education policies of the government and the ministry.The other party sheds crocodile tears for this development, as if it fell like a bolt from the sky.In fact, no one sees the problem in the eyes and everyone has avoided the solution that time forced.The primary interest of these parties is not students, education, scientific research, the good name of Korçë, but tenders, projects, financial control, influence, employment, etc.Yes, Korça should have a university!No, Korça should not have a university in these standards it has now.Many people start their analysis with Mesonjetora to continue at UniKo.They forget that the university is not an ordinary school and that we lack tradition in this regard.The university is the place where knowledge, ideas, science, theses, antitheses, theories, inventions, research, etc. are produced.By conceiving the university as a continuation of the learning system, a very big mistake is made.Why Korça and Korçare elite failed to maintain and create a university?It failed because the university was never the environment where the purest principles of science, meritocracy, knowledge and education prevailed.The university became home to petty parties and interests, defeating its primary purpose.The initial zeal faded and the search fell to ridiculous levels.The skilled are shunned by the unskilled.If we look at every sector of the economy, those who are afraid of the market are mediocre.They hide behind titles and offices.Who is the solution?First, we must agree on a very simple principle, which is an economic principle.There can be no quality and university without money.The university in every country of the world is made either by those who really have a certain level of education or by those who pay the real cost of it.Free university and bernut for every Tutku who does not know how to write his name cannot have it.So the University must submit to the market.As the people say, a little and exactly, not a lot and for the river.The university is not necessary but elite and should remain as such.With the implementation of this principle, the salaries of the academic staff also increase with the aim of bringing closer those who are truly academic and priority areas are set.Funds for research are increased and the best practices of the literature are also brought.We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. This should be done with a Public-Private partnership and open an international competition not only for the University of Korce but for all the Universities in the districts.The state can be a co-financier and shareholder in these organizations for the purpose of reimbursement of costs, but not imposing.After this fair and transparent process, you will be able to see a university with European standards.In these new institutions, the criterion will be academic performance, without which they cannot survive.The French high school in Korce was a success story after the centuries-old practices of French education were brought.Students were prepared for the European market and elites were formed there.There was no place for the mediocre, and whoever graduated from this high school could enter any university in Europe without a problem.Korca was not the capital in those years, however, students from all over Albania came to Korca for the quality education they received.Well, this high school was closed with the communists.Centralization and collection in one hand is a communist feature that is still applied today.Union with Tirana hasty, temporary and not long-term.It just deepens the problem.

OPINION: By Hansi KapllaniThe University of Korçë sacrifices itself to join the University of Tirana!Meanwhile, on the one hand, this news is given, and on the other hand, after all these years, the real controllers of UniKo’s funds come to the surface.Absurdity catches the edges!One party announces the academic capitulation, which was most likely imposed by the central education policies of the government and the ministry.The other party sheds crocodile tears for this development, as if it fell like a bolt from the sky.In fact, no one sees the problem in the eyes and everyone has avoided the solution that time forced.The primary interest of these parties is not students, education, scientific research, the good name of Korçë, but tenders, projects, financial control, influence, employment, etc.Yes, Korça should have a university!No, Korça should not have a university in these standards it has now.Many people start their analysis with Mesonjetora to continue at UniKo.They forget that the university is not an ordinary school and that we lack tradition in this regard.The university is the place where knowledge, ideas, science, theses, antitheses, theories, inventions, research, etc. are produced.By conceiving the university as a continuation of the learning system, a very big mistake is made.Why Korça and Korçare elite failed to maintain and create a university?It failed because the university was never the environment where the purest principles of science, meritocracy, knowledge and education prevailed.The university became home to petty parties and interests, defeating its primary purpose.The initial zeal faded and the search fell to ridiculous levels.The skilled are shunned by the unskilled.If we look at every sector of the economy, those who are afraid of the market are mediocre.They hide behind titles and offices.Who is the solution?First, we must agree on a very simple principle, which is an economic principle.There can be no quality and university without money.The university in every country of the world is made either by those who really have a certain level of education or by those who pay the real cost of it.Free university and bernut for every Tutku who does not know how to write his name cannot have it.So the University must submit to the market.As the people say, a little and exactly, not a lot and for the river.The university is not necessary but elite and should remain as such.With the implementation of this principle, the salaries of the academic staff also increase with the aim of bringing closer those who are truly academic and priority areas are set.Funds for research are increased and the best practices of the literature are also brought.We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. This should be done with a Public-Private partnership and open an international competition not only for the University of Korce but for all the Universities in the districts.The state can be a co-financier and shareholder in these organizations for the purpose of reimbursement of costs, but not imposing.After this fair and transparent process, you will be able to see a university with European standards.In these new institutions, the criterion will be academic performance, without which they cannot survive.The French high school in Korce was a success story after the centuries-old practices of French education were brought.Students were prepared for the European market and elites were formed there.There was no place for the mediocre, and whoever graduated from this high school could enter any university in Europe without a problem.Korca was not the capital in those years, however, students from all over Albania came to Korca for the quality education they received.Well, this high school was closed with the communists.Centralization and collection in one hand is a communist feature that is still applied today.Union with Tirana hasty, temporary and not long-term.It just deepens the problem.

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Honorable teachers of raqi qirinxhi high school year 1980

So much respect and gratitude for these esteemed teachers. How much longing and nostalgia for this excellent generation of teachers, who remain deep in the heart of those generations, producing excellent students.How proud we are of you, dear teacher.This photo comes from 1980, while the names and subjects given by these teachers are:From left to standing: Fitrete Pëllumbi (Geography), Celnike Myrtollari (Physical Culture), Roza Molla (French), Dhorkë Lluka (Albanian Language)Seated from left: Nikoleta Luarasi (Physical Culture), Shpresa Ceta (English), Olimbi Matraku (Russian), Drita Mitrushi (Chemistry), Arjana Rapi (Physics).Men from left to top: Robert Petro (Mathematics), Gaqo Mindili (Russian), Maksim Jorgji (Mathematics), Andrea Spaho (Geography), Skënder Stefanllari (Literature), Niko Pani (Physical Education), Ligor Luarasi (Biology), Pandi Kërënxhi (Mathematics), Anastas Përdhiku (Party History), Gaqo Toslluku (Physics).Seated in front: Dhimitraq Bode (History), Anesti Tasho (Knowledge of Cars), Niko Mustaka (Literature), Dhori Gërdhe (School Secretary), Teodor Vaso (Physical Culture), Anesti Polena (Literature), Luan Veliaj (Military and vice principal of the school) .Respect, really, endless respect for you, dear teacher…

So much respect and gratitude for these esteemed teachers. How much longing and nostalgia for this excellent generation of teachers, who remain deep in the heart of those generations, producing excellent students.How proud we are of you, dear teacher.This photo comes from 1980, while the names and subjects given by these teachers are:From left to standing: Fitrete Pëllumbi (Geography), Celnike Myrtollari (Physical Culture), Roza Molla (French), Dhorkë Lluka (Albanian Language)Seated from left: Nikoleta Luarasi (Physical Culture), Shpresa Ceta (English), Olimbi Matraku (Russian), Drita Mitrushi (Chemistry), Arjana Rapi (Physics).Men from left to top: Robert Petro (Mathematics), Gaqo Mindili (Russian), Maksim Jorgji (Mathematics), Andrea Spaho (Geography), Skënder Stefanllari (Literature), Niko Pani (Physical Education), Ligor Luarasi (Biology), Pandi Kërënxhi (Mathematics), Anastas Përdhiku (Party History), Gaqo Toslluku (Physics).Seated in front: Dhimitraq Bode (History), Anesti Tasho (Knowledge of Cars), Niko Mustaka (Literature), Dhori Gërdhe (School Secretary), Teodor Vaso (Physical Culture), Anesti Polena (Literature), Luan Veliaj (Military and vice principal of the school) .Respect, really, endless respect for you, dear teacher…

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