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Police 21 year old man from gjonomadh rapes his mother and sister is arrested

Domestic violence continues unabated as a young man from Gjonomadhi is arrested, accused of beating his mother and sister.Cases of domestic violence are again on the rise, like the rising temperatures at the beginning of this summer. A young man from the village of Gjonomadh has recently ended up behind bars, accused of assaulting his mother and sister, despite one of them having a protection order.”The Korçë Police Station arrested in flagrante delicto the citizen M. S., 21 years old, residing in the village of Gjonomadh, Korçë, on suspicion of assaulting his sister and his mother, who had a protection order,” announced the state police.

Domestic violence continues unabated as a young man from Gjonomadhi is arrested, accused of beating his mother and sister.Cases of domestic violence are again on the rise, like the rising temperatures at the beginning of this summer. A young man from the village of Gjonomadh has recently ended up behind bars, accused of assaulting his mother and sister, despite one of them having a protection order.”The Korçë Police Station arrested in flagrante delicto the citizen M. S., 21 years old, residing in the village of Gjonomadh, Korçë, on suspicion of assaulting his sister and his mother, who had a protection order,” announced the state police.

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Police Events

POLICE / Criminal proceedings against a 29-year-old fraudster in Korçë. Defrauded a citizen!

Local Directorate of Police Korçë

The Sector for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crimes referred the materials to the Prosecutor’s Office, where criminal proceedings were initiated against F. Gj., a 29-year-old resident of Korçë, for defrauding a citizen by borrowing a sum of money and failing to repay it.

The procedural materials have been forwarded to the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction in Korçë for further action.




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Police Events

POLICE/ Pursuit of Girlfriend – Illegal Lottery – Violence Against Mother – Arrests / Here is the full police statement…

Local Police Directorate of Korçë.

The Korçë Police Station arrested J. L., 29 years old, a resident of Korçë, in the act of pursuing his girlfriend over the past few days.

The Maliq Police Station arrested L. Dh., 31 years old, a resident of Korçë, and referred the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, where legal proceedings were initiated against a 17-year-old. During a search conducted at the premises used by the 31-year-old in the village of Pirg, Maliq, pages related to illegal sports betting were found on the phones of these individuals.

The phones were seized as material evidence.


From the same police station, E. E., 29 years old, a resident of the village of Vashtemi, Maliq, was arrested in the act for allegedly committing violence against his mother, who was issued a protection order.

The Devoll Police Station arrested K. M., 42 years old, a resident of the village of Sinicë, Devoll, in the act for allegedly committing violence against his father-in-law, who was also issued a protection order.

From these same structures, materials were referred to the Prosecutor’s Office, where legal proceedings were initiated against E. M., 40 years old, a resident of Këlcyrë, Përmet, for allegedly committing violence against his partner, who was issued a protection order.

The Pogradec Police Station referred materials to the Prosecutor’s Office, where legal proceedings were initiated against E. A., 20 years old, a resident of the village of Buçimas, Pogradec, for allegedly assaulting a 29-year-old with a hard object over minor motives.

The Traffic Police Sector referred materials to the Prosecutor’s Office, where legal proceedings were initiated against N. S., 76 years old, a resident of Korçë, for allegedly hitting a 59-year-old who was riding a bicycle with his vehicle on the “Korçë-Devoll” road, in the village of Neviçisht, causing minor injuries.


The procedural materials have been forwarded to the Prosecutor’s Office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction in Korçë for further action.



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Police Events

Accident near the Terminal in Korçë / One injured person rushed to the hospital

A few moments ago, an accident occurred near the Terminal in the southeastern city.

A “Benz” vehicle collided with a pedestrian who was walking on the road, leaving them injured at the scene.

The injured person has been rushed to the city hospital, where they are receiving first aid. Meanwhile, the driver of the vehicle that caused the accident has been taken to the city police station to clarify the cause of the accident.

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POLICE / Altercation in Vërdovë: 29-Year-Old Threatens 57-Year-Old, Police Intervene!

Local Police Directorate of Korçë

The Pogradec Police Station has referred the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, where a criminal investigation has been initiated against A. L., a 29-year-old resident of the village of Vërdovë, Pogradec. He is suspected of having threatened a 57-year-old with words over minor issues.

The procedural materials have been forwarded to the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction in Korçë for further actions.

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POLICIA/ 66-vjeçari në Kapshticë pikastet nga policia pasi në kamion futi 1 emigrant nga vendet e treta

Drejtoria Vendore e Policisë Korçë

Shërbimet e PKK Kapshticë referuan materialet në Prokurori, ku filloi procedimi penal për shtetasin L. L., 66 vjeç, banues ne Fier, për veprën penale “Ndihma për kalim të paligjshëm të kufirit”, pasi në hyrje të pikës së Kalimit Kufitar, në kamionin që ky shtetas drejtonte u gjet i fshehur 1 emigrant nga vendet e treta.

Materialet procedurale i kaluan Prokurorisë pranë Gjykatës së Shkallës së Parë të Juridiksionit të Përgjithshëm Korçë, për veprime të mëtejshme.

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Police Events

POLICE / Tragic Incident in Neighborhood No. 8, Korçë. 52-Year-Old Found Dead

Korçë / Preliminary Information

Around 5:45 PM, in Neighborhood No. 8, Korçë, a 52-year-old man identified as A. V. was found dead in his home.

A preliminary examination of the body revealed no signs of violence. It is suspected that the individual may have died of natural causes.

The investigative team is working to clarify the circumstances and cause of death of the 52-year-old.


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Police Events

“Maliq / Last night’s accident near the village of Rëmbec, a 31-year-old loses control of the vehicle and veers off the road, 2 injured”

Maliq / Preliminary Information

Last night, around 20:55, near the village of Rëmbec, 31-year-old L. Gj. lost control of his “Opel” vehicle, causing it to veer off the road.

L. Gj. and a passenger in the vehicle, G. H., are receiving medical treatment at the hospital and are not in danger of losing their lives.

The investigative team is working to clarify the circumstances and cause of the accident.


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Police Events

“POLICE / Multiple arrests by the police. Here is the full statement and those who have been arrested!”

Local Police Directorate of Korçë

Traffic Police Sector: Arrested in flagrante delicto was G. M., 34 years old, resident of Kolanec, Maliq, after being caught driving under the influence on the “Korçë-Maliq” road.

Following the preliminary information provided yesterday about a road accident on the “Pogradec-Korçë” route, the Traffic Police Sector arrested in flagrante delicto G. M., 44 years old, for the criminal offense of “Violation of Road Traffic Rules.”

Devoll Police Station: Arrested in flagrante delicto was N. D., 37 years old, resident of Vranisht, Devoll, on suspicion of having used violence against his father, who had been granted a protection order.


Pogradec Police Station: Arrested in flagrante delicto was A. D., 53 years old, resident of Dvoran, Korçë, for violating the security measure of “House Arrest” imposed by the Court, for the criminal offense of “Cultivation of Narcotic Plants.”

From the same police station, the following individuals were referred to the Prosecutor’s Office:

  • S. C., 70 years old, resident of Buçimas, Pogradec, for illegally occupying land belonging to a 44-year-old.
  • A. L., 29 years old, resident of Vërdovë, Pogradec, on suspicion of threatening a 27-year-old with words.

Maliq Police Station: Referred to the Prosecutor’s Office, where proceedings were initiated in a free status for E. Xh., 25 years old, resident of Podgorie, Maliq, on suspicion of having set fire to his own land, which resulted in the burning of a cultivated area.

Kolonjë Police Station: Referred to the Prosecutor’s Office, where proceedings were initiated in a free status for K. Z., 35 years old, resident of Korçë, on suspicion of having hit a 48-year-old with a punch over minor motives.

The procedural materials have been transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction in Korçë for further action.

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Police Events

POLICE / On the “Korçë-Maliq” Route, 34-Year-Old from Kolanec Arrested for Drunk Driving!

The Road Police Sector arrested in flagrante delicto G. M., a 34-year-old resident of Kolanec, Maliq, after he was found driving under the influence on the “Korçë-Maliq” road.

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Police Events

Expert Report Reveals Details of Ergi Proga’s Murder

The Institute of Forensic Medicine has completed the medical-legal examination and revealed the causes of death for 42-year-old Egli Proga in Pogradec. The incident initially reported as accidental was later identified as a possible murder, leading to significant media and public attention.

According to the expert report, Proga’s death was caused by hemorrhage in the brain’s membrane and hemorrhage of brain tissue, believed to have resulted from blows with fists.

Additionally, the victim’s body showed an average alcohol level of 2.82 g/L.

The medical-legal report has been sent to the Korçë Prosecutor’s Office, which is continuing the investigation into Proga’s murder.


Denis Meçe has been arrested as a suspect in Proga’s murder, while the other three individuals—Voltan Shulku, Arian Manellari, and Leonidha Guçe—are subject to mandatory reporting as decided by the court. (A2 Television)

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