A surprising twist unfolds in the story of renowned Albanian boxer Florian Marku. He has been arrested once again in London after managing to escape from prison in Germany.
Top Channel journalists Endi Tufa and Muhamed Veliu have exclusively obtained the extradition court document from London. According to this document, based on an international arrest warrant, Marku was arrested and brought before the judicial body, where the charges stemming from Greece’s arrest warrant were communicated to him.
The document reveals that Florian Marku is accused of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm, illegal possession of weapons, and use of firearms. Marku has voluntarily agreed to be extradited to Greece to serve the remaining portion of his sentence. This stems from an incident in 2010 when he was involved in a brawl at a nightclub in Thessaloniki with several Russian nationals.
According to Greek media, he faces a sentence of seven years in prison for the incident, of which he previously served only 1.5 years. For now, Top Channel has learned that the Albanian boxer is being held in a London detention center while awaiting Greek authorities to take custody of him.
Although his defense team requested his release on bail, the London Extradition Court rejected the plea, reasoning that the severity of the charges does not permit his release under such conditions.