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Super League

Gvozdenović admits that the team was under pressure…

The draw in Korçë against Elbasan didn’t leave a bad taste, but there were notes of dissatisfaction as everyone acknowledged that they left two points behind.

Regarding this, coach Ivan Gvozdenović stated about the pressure: “Of course, the team also had psychological pressure, which was more emotional. It was our first match on home ground, and we were aiming for the three points, but that’s football.”

Gvozdenović, laughing, added: “The players wanted to give me a birthday present with three points, and that was also part of the pressure.”

It’s clear that within what the coach has said, there is truth, but the opponents were also a team to be respected. However, it’s just the beginning, and the team from Korçë started with a point.


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“Gvozdenović thanks President Ardjan Takaj from a distance. Here’s what the coach says…”

Trajneri Ivan Gvozdenoviç ka shprehur kënaqësinë e tij për merkato e kryer, duke e cilësuar atë si “mjaft të mirë” dhe duke shprehur besimin se do të jetë e suksesshme. Ai ka theksuar se, edhe pse disa lojtarë cilësorë kanë lënë ekipin, drejtuesit kanë bërë përpjekje të konsiderueshme për t’i zëvendësuar dhe për të përforcuar të gjitha repartet e ekipit.

Fjalët e tij:

“Mund të them se është një merkato mjaft e mirë. Jam mëse i kënaqur, por do të shohim deri në janar pastaj flasim se çfarë do të bëjmë.”

Gvozdenoviç është i qetë për momentin, duke e parë këtë merkato si një hap të rëndësishëm për përmirësimin e skuadrës. Ai shpreson që lojtarët e rinj të tregojnë vlerat e tyre dhe të kontribuojnë pozitivisht në performancën e ekipit. Pritshmëritë për pjesën tjetër të sezonit mbeten të larta, dhe trajneri është në gatishmëri për të vlerësuar ndikimin e këtyre afrimeve gjatë periudhës së ardhshme.


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LATEST UPDATE / Randi Dumfor Awaiting Visa: Here’s When the Ghanaian Will Arrive in Korçë!

Randi Dumfor will be delayed by another 10 days before arriving in the southeastern city to rejoin Skënderbeu.

The 23-year-old Ghanaian defender is currently awaiting his visa, and once he receives it, he will travel immediately to Albania.

It’s a matter of procedure for Randi to rejoin Skënderbeu and continue his career with the team.

A few weeks ago, Randi was close to finalizing a deal in Saudi Arabia, but he could not sign. Now, with his contract with Skënderbeu, the club has announced that he will return, and this will indeed happen.


He is the latest player to join Skënderbeu, and while he will arrive late, Randi is expected to add strength to the team. Once he joins the squad, his physical form will be evaluated.

It is important that the Ghanaian will come and be under the guidance of coach Ivan Gvozdenoviç.

After his arrival, Randi is expected to renew his contract with Skënderbeu, as it is known to expire at the end of this year.

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Super Mako Alia / Another Major Asset for Skënderbeu

Skënderbeu this season seems to be more complete and functioning better as a team. The squad has had a season of playing together, and all the new names have now adapted well to each other.

Skënderbeu brought in many players this summer but did not disrupt the core of the team, which is very positive.

Key positions in all three areas are definitely the main pillars of the team’s strong performance.

A standout is undoubtedly Marko Alia in the defense. The “guardian” has played all three matches of the season so far, totaling 270 minutes. Alia’s contributions have been crucial to Skënderbeu’s results up to now.


With a goalkeeper like Marko, the defense feels secure. Having played in Albania for over a season, Skënderbeu has found the right goalkeeper.

Congratulations to Marko Alia!

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SKËNDERBEU / 5 Yellow Cards and 1 Red in Three Weeks. Janaqi and Ramos with 2 Yellow Cards Each

Skënderbeu has accumulated 4 points in the first three weeks of the Superliga, with 1 win, 1 draw, and 1 loss.

In these three weeks, the team has received 5 yellow cards and 1 red card. It’s worth noting that last season, the team struggled significantly with yellow cards, as suspensions started to impact the squad after several weeks.

This season, the two players who have each received two yellow cards are Marko Ramos and Dejvid Janaqi. They have only been outpaced by Ermir Rashica, who has 1 yellow card.

The only red card of the season so far was given to Mario Rabiu in the match against Partizani. After receiving two yellow cards, he was shown a red card towards the end of the game, leaving the team with 10 players. In the injury time, Partizani scored the winning goal, ending the match 2-1.


Yellow Cards After 3 Matches:

  • Dejvid Janaqi: 2 cards
  • Marko Ramos: 2 cards
  • Ermir Rashica: 1 card

Red Cards After 3 Matches:

  • Mario Rabiu: 1 card

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Second Category

SKËNDERBEU / Today a Friendly Match in Devoll at 4:00 PM

Skënderbeu has taken advantage of the current break and decided to play a friendly match today at 4:00 PM, a few kilometers away.

Today at 4:00 PM, the team from Korçë will be guests in Devoll to face the local second-division team.

This will be a valuable test for the Superliga’s red and whites, as coach Ivan Gvozdenović and his staff have decided to give playing time to all those players who haven’t had the opportunity to get minutes in the first three weeks of the Superliga.

Additionally, there are players who have recently joined Skënderbeu, and this will be a good test to assess their physical form.


It’s the first time all summer that Skënderbeu is playing an away match, with the only previous friendly being against Kalithea in Greece, while all other friendlies were played at the “Skënderbeu” stadium.

In short, today’s friendly match between Devolli and Skënderbeu at 4:00 PM will be the test of this Friday.

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Fans organize for Monday: A fiery match in the stands and on the field

**We bring you today the photo below, taken exactly one year ago, from the match Egnatia-Skënderbeu 0-1, which was actually the first match of the 2023-2024 season.

Some fans supported the team in the away game in Rrogozhinë, and it seemed they were on the right foot, as Skënderbeu started with a victory and continued to be the surprise of the season, finishing in third place.

Now the new season has arrived, with Skënderbeu set to play on Monday in their season opener against Elbasan. Meanwhile, the fans are making their final preparations to give the season a great start from the stands of the “Skënderbeu” stadium.

For days, calls have been made in the southeastern city for everyone to be in the stadium on Monday at 20:00, as Skënderbeu needs the support of the 12th player on the field from the very first match.


Over 5,000 fans are expected in the stadium, and this number will indeed boost the morale of the red-and-white players on the field.

Let them have a great start on Monday! Skënderbeu has only one objective against Elbasan: victory.**

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THE TIME HAS COME / Tomorrow marks the start of the first week of the Super League. Here are the matches and schedules for the first week.

The moment has arrived for the start of the Albanian Superliga football season for the 2024-2025 edition. Tomorrow, at 17:00, the Superliga will kick off with 10 teams embarking on a long journey of 36 weeks, culminating in May with the resolution of which teams will qualify for European competitions, who will be crowned champions, and which two teams will be relegated to the First Division.

This season promises to be filled with excitement, and Skënderbeu, in particular, has a major goal: to once again be among the top four teams of the Superliga.

The Superliga starts tomorrow, Sunday, with two matches at 20:00: Teuta vs. Bylis at “Niko Dovana” and Dinamo vs. Egnatia at the same time.

The first week of the Superliga will conclude on Monday with three more matches. In Laç, the home team will face Tirana at 17:00, followed by two matches at 20:00: Partizani vs. Vllaznia in Tirana, and the final match of the week between Skënderbeu and Elbasani at the “Skënderbeu” stadium in Korçë.


In summary, the Superliga ball will start rolling tomorrow for a new edition, and we wish Skënderbeu the best of luck.

Week 1

Sunday, August 18, 2024

  • 20:00 Teuta vs. Bylis
  • 20:00 Dinamo vs. Egnatia

Monday, August 19, 2024

  • 17:00 Laçi vs. Tirana
  • 20:00 Partizani vs. Vllaznia
  • 20:00 Skënderbeu vs. Elbasani

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SKËNDERBEU / The foreign players sign new contracts and don the red-and-white!

In recent hours, Sporting Director Ardi Gjançi has published a photo showing four foreign players of Skënderbeu signing new contracts with the club.

These are new players, some of whom will also play with Skënderbeu’s youth team, while the contracts with the African players are long-term.

There has been no official statement from the club regarding the duration of the contracts signed by the new Skënderbeu players, but some are for a period of up to four years.

The players seen in the photo will initially play with the youth team, but if any of them attract the attention of the Skënderbeu senior coaching staff, they will certainly be called up to the first team.


Skënderbeu seems to be “racing” to finalize all new contracts as soon as possible, which is definitely a positive development. The club’s management has carried out a truly high-quality transfer window and has brought in many talents, aiming to serve as a “springboard” for European competitions and generate additional revenue for Skënderbeu.

Good luck to the new players!

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-72 HOURS UNTIL KICK-OFF/ Skënderbeu almost ready for their first match against Elbasani!

As the week comes to a close, Skënderbeu is in the final stages of preparation for Monday’s match against Elbasani.

With just 72 hours remaining until the start of the new season, the team has three more training sessions left, scheduled for Friday (today), Saturday, and Sunday, all in the afternoon.

Everything seems to be progressing well under the technical staff’s guidance, with the focus on exercises, tactical schemes, and some game practice to get the team accustomed to the field.

President Ardjan Takaj is expected to arrive in the coming days, although the team is consistently supported by Sports Director Ardi Gjançi, who oversees the team’s progress daily.


The atmosphere in the white-and-red camp appears optimistic, and the fans are expected to turn out in large numbers for the final training sessions.

In short, Skënderbeu is nearing the end of its preparations, and 72 hours is not much time until the Monday kickoff for the first match of the season, Skënderbeu vs. Elbasani, which will start at 20:00.

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SKËNDERBEU has no doubts/ They are playing only for 3 points on Monday against Elbasani!

If there’s one objective for Skënderbeu in their first match of the season this coming Monday, it’s simply victory.

This is beyond question, as coach Ivan Gvozdenović constantly reinforces this message in every training session. In fact, during yesterday’s session, the white-and-red head coach demanded that his players increase their pace on the field and be quicker when in possession of the ball.

The coach is confident that his team has the potential to succeed on Monday, and the players share the same belief, even though they’ve kept a low profile with the media lately, preferring to speak only on the field through their performance.

President Ardjan Takaj is expected to arrive in the southeastern region soon, and with the presence of all the club’s leaders, the team’s optimism and adrenaline are sure to rise.


Although it’s known that the match against Elbasani will be challenging, even if it’s played at home, this Skënderbeu has only one goal for the first week: to start off on the right foot with the first three points.

Now it’s up to the players on the field to show that this season, Skënderbeu is no longer an underdog.

After all, in front of the Korça supporters, victory on Monday is a must.

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