Scientists raise the alarm: Earth could be struck by a massive volcanic eruption


Scientists have warned that Earth could face a massive volcanic eruption within this century, and there are currently no plans in place to mitigate its impact.

Such an event, according to climate expert Dr. Markus Stoffel, could trigger “climatic chaos” similar to the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. That eruption released 24 cubic miles of gases and ash into the atmosphere, causing a significant drop in global temperatures.

Beyond cooling effects, the aftermath of such eruptions has historically led to widespread disease outbreaks and thousands of deaths. Unlike the “Year Without a Summer” that followed Tambora’s eruption, a 21st-century volcanic event could pose additional challenges due to humanity’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Dr. Michael Rampino warns that the consequences could be even worse than in 1815, given the modern world’s greater fragility.

Research by Dr. Thomas Aubry indicates that a warmer atmosphere would distribute sulfuric gas and aerosols more rapidly, intensifying the cooling effect and amplifying the disruption.






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