The Police of Korça has arrested two drivers, Trifon Mehmeti and Klaudio Kishta, who were involved in a tragic accident that occurred the night before, resulting in the death of 24-year-old Zoi Ksila.
According to police information, one of the vehicles was traveling from Bilishti toward Korça, while the other was heading from Korça to Kapshtica. It is suspected that a wrong maneuver by one of the drivers was the main cause of the fatal collision.
The police have stated that the full dynamics of the incident will be determined after the completion of the investigation, which will shed light on the specific responsibilities of the involved drivers. Investigations are ongoing to clarify the circumstances of the accident.
The Korça-Kapshtica national road is one of the most dangerous routes in Albania, often described as a hotspot for accidents, some of which are fatal, especially at its intersections, which are considered “black spots” for road safety.
“Below is the photo of Zoi Ksila, the 24-year-old who unfortunately lost her life at the most beautiful age. Condolences to the family!”