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The department of language and literature has an open lecture by associate professor dr elona çeçe

“The sociolinguistic interpretation of the use of uninflected forms in the syntactic constructions of the Albanian language” delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Elona Çeçe was the topic of the open lecture organized by the Department of Language and Literature.Students and staff in attendance were introduced to how constructions with uninflected verbal, participial, and infinitive forms function in speech, as opposed to those that do not contain these forms.

“The sociolinguistic interpretation of the use of uninflected forms in the syntactic constructions of the Albanian language” delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Elona Çeçe was the topic of the open lecture organized by the Department of Language and Literature.Students and staff in attendance were introduced to how constructions with uninflected verbal, participial, and infinitive forms function in speech, as opposed to those that do not contain these forms.

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“Youth Safety”: Police Services continue awareness meetings with students at Zvirinë School

In accordance with the cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education and Sports for the “Youth Safety” program, police services have continued their awareness meetings with students at the school in Zvirinë.

The meeting was conducted by a specialist from DVP Korçë, involving both students and the teaching staff of the school.

During the session, discussions were held with the students on issues related to human trafficking, bullying and its various forms, ways to protect themselves and others from bullying, violence in schools and families, steps to report violence, and the safety provided by the internet.

The police employees prepared illustrative materials for the students to facilitate a simpler and more practical dialogue between them.



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Presentation of the LEA4School Project (Leadership in Education in Action)

At “Fan S. Noli” University, the LEA4School project (Leadership in Education in Action) was presented as part of the III Call of the READ Program by a group of educators from the Faculty of Education and Philology.

Project coordinator Dr. Albina Pajo stated that the project aims to investigate the impact of the mandatory training program for school principals on the development of concrete practices by certified leaders in the real contexts of schools.

The study seeks to provide meaningful data to the CSL regarding the challenges that certified principals face in applying their knowledge, tools, and in developing projects within the schools where they work.

The findings of the study will be presented at a concluding workshop for the project, involving current principals, interest groups, and the School of Principals, to offer guidance for potential interventions in the curriculum of the training program and further in continuing education.

Edited by:

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Gjergji Papa honored with the Emblem of “Fan S. Noli” University

Today, a ceremony was held at the Faculty of Agriculture to honor Prof. As. Dr. Gjergji Papa, head of the Department of Agri-foods, with a certificate of appreciation accompanied by the Emblem of “Fan S. Noli” University, on the occasion of his 65th birthday and retirement.

The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. As. Dr. Besnik Skënderasi, commended Professor Gjergji Papa for his contributions as a department head and for his spirit of collaboration as a colleague and educator.

He acknowledged his special qualities and merits as a person, agricultural specialist, and educator: “In Gjergji, many qualities and virtues are perfectly intertwined, elevating him to the stature of a hardworking, kind, and correct person—communicative, serious, and professionally competent. In this ‘marathon’ of his 42-year career, Prof. Gjergji Papa has successfully contributed his modest input and has risen to the level of a professional specialist and an excellent lecturer.”

✅ Later, the Rector of UNIKO, Prof. Dr. Lorenc Ekonomi, presented him with the certificate of appreciation with the following motivation: “For the dedication, professionalism, passion for work, and high awareness he has demonstrated over the years as an educator and head of the Agri-food Department at the Faculty of Agriculture of ‘Fan S. Noli’ University. In recognition from the university leadership, academic staff, and students on the occasion of his 65th birthday and retirement.”

Tributes to Professor Gjergji, as a valued colleague and friend, were also shared by Prof. As. Dr. Gjergji Mero, Prof. As. Dr. Nikollaq Roshanji, and others.

Prof. As. Dr. Gjergji Papa thanked the Rector and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for this recognition, as well as all his colleagues and friends with whom he has collaborated for many years and who honored him with their presence on this special day.



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Suela Lulollari and Shegë Çeçi: The new Lecturers at the Faculty of Agriculture

Suela Lulollari and Shegë Çeçi are the new lecturers joining the Department of Agro-Food at the Faculty of Agriculture this academic year.

MSc. Suela Lulollari and MSc. Shegë Çeçi have completed their Master’s programs with excellent results, specializing in “Food Sciences and Technologies” and “Molecular Biology,” respectively.

The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Besnik Skënderasi, along with colleagues, wished them success in their new roles. The lecturers expressed that, despite their previous work and experiences in their professions, this represents a new challenge for them, which they are determined to tackle successfully, becoming worthy members of the Faculty and “Fan S. Noli” University.



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Digital platform in mathematics by teacher Leonidha Fuqi…

Mathematics teacher Leonidha Fuqi at the “Themistokli Gërmenji” school introduces an innovation in the field of math teaching. This innovation is tied to the fact that mathematics is now part of the digital curriculum. When asked about this platform, Leonidha Fuqi stated, “I believe students should be familiar with digital platforms as they will need them during and after their studies. I think there should be two or three hours after each chapter to cover topics in this way.”

Thus, when there is a passion for work, anyone can bring innovation in any direction, and Leonidha Fuqi is one of those dedicated to serving the students.


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University “Fan S. Noli” / The project “Cultural Heritage of Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities in the Korçë District” is presented

As part of the projects funded by the AKKSH, the project “Cultural Heritage of Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities in the Korçë District” was presented today at the University “Fan S. Noli.” During the meeting, attended by faculty and researchers from UNIKO, as well as representatives from the communities, the working group and project objectives were introduced.

The meeting coincided with the National Day of Cultural Heritage.



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Today at “Fan S. Noli” University / Formation Exam for Bachelor Program Students

Today at “Fan S. Noli” University,

Students enrolled in Bachelor programs and two-year professional courses are taking their formation exams and preparing for their thesis defense. This is a crucial moment in their academic journey, marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.

As they showcase their knowledge and skills, we wish them the best of luck. Their efforts and commitment will pave the way for future success in their careers.

Good luck to all!



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Museum of Education: Activities for the European Heritage Day

As always, in celebration of the European Heritage Days, the Museum of Education organized activities centered around school students.

This year, based on the theme “Paths, Networks, and Connections,” we planned the game “Treasure Hunt” in collaboration with the fourth-grade class from “Sotir Gurra” school.

The game involved finding a cultural heritage object hidden in the museum, retrieved from the archives. To locate it, students had to complete several steps while learning about the history of the Mësonjëtorja and key figures who fought for the continuity of education. After discovering the object, there was a discussion on the protection, conservation, and sustainable transmission of heritage to future generations.



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The school “Naum Veqilharxhi” hosts activities for the European Week of Sport

Moments from the activities of the students at the school “Naum Veqilharxhi” during the European Week of Sport.

The activities aim to:

  1. Promote inclusivity;
  2. Encourage and support students’ talents in various sports disciplines;
  3. Motivate students to engage in physical activities;
  4. Showcase the values of sports.

Despite the focus on these activities this week, sports events will continue with the same intensity and commitment throughout the school year, as they are an integral part of our students’ development and education, as well as supporting their talents and aspirations. Special thanks go to all the teachers at “Naum Veqilharxhi,” particularly the Physical Education teachers, for their dedication.

We also extend our gratitude to the students for their commitment.



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GOOD NEWS for teachers/ The union gives the announcement…

Following request no. 28 dated 19.09.2024 addressed to the Ministry of Education by FSASH and SPASH regarding the salary issue for teachers who graduated before the Bologna system came into effect, a meeting was held today, 23.09.2024, at the Ministry of Education and Sports at the request of the Minister. The meeting included Deputy Minister of Education Ms. Nina Guga, General Secretary Mr. Erzen Tola, and Director of Public Administration of the Republic of Albania Ms. Enkela Dudushi.

From the unions’ side, present were the President of SPASH Mr. Nevrus Kaptelli, Lawyer Ms. Matilda Zani, and FSASH Representative Mr. Xhafer Dobrushi. Representatives from the Ministry argued that the reduction made in the salary group based on the diploma has been reflected by a twofold increase in the position salary for this category, which every teacher can see by comparing their salary increase with that of other teachers who hold a master’s degree.

During the several-hour meeting, after insistence from the union representatives that all teachers who graduated before the Bologna system should be treated with an additional 14,000 Lekë in their salary group, it was agreed that after reviewing diplomas on a case-by-case basis, the corresponding payment of 14,000 Lekë would be made.

SPASH calls on all its leaders in regional education offices to look out for their members, to identify, and to initiate solutions for all those teachers who have not been paid in accordance with Decision No. 425 dated 26.06.2024.


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